Diarrhea related to pathogenic germs

Diarrhea related to pathogenic germs This type of diarrhea (dysentery) represents about half of diarrhea found in humans: are triggered by bacteria such as Shigella or Salmonella and viruses Rotavirus, Adenovirus and hepatitis . Salmonella infections are very common especially in small as a result of ingestion of eggs, unpasteurized milk...
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What is diarrhea? and Types of diarrhea

What is diarrhea? The diarrhea consists in the emission of abundant fecal material (amount beyond the 300-400 grams) of very liquid or semi-liquid so frequently during the day (more than three evaquazioni per day). Through the diarrheal discharges , the body eliminates toxic substances harmful undigested food contaminated with pathogens...
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What motivates self?

Self-development is an issue that more and more people becoming interested. Many of us feel a need for change in your life, and the reason for this may be many. The goal is well anyway to get as good a life as possible. Self Self is the collection of thoughts, experiences and feelings that make you who you are. Self gives you character,...
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Can you handle criticism?

Constructive criticism on what we are doing is an important measure to control each other's behavior when we belong to a group. If someone does something stupid, negative feedback is a means to prevent the person from making the same mistake again. The same applies if he does something good. Then positive criticism may have a reinforcing...
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Be a positive person!

When you are with other people, have you noticed that some smile more, laugh more and talk more positive terms than others? It is pleasant to be around these people, right? They send out good and positive vibes that we picks up, and often rubs it over on us. The reason is that we are influenced by others' vibrations, whether we want to...
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What life is really all about?

Wondering what life is really all about? Well, here's the answer: Life is basically about being the best. It means that we humans strive to be at the top of the hierarchy. This applies not only to humans but also plants and animals. All life on earth yearns to be better than "neighbor". But even if life is to be the best, you can skip...
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Has your life become a bad habit?

Do you often go around thinking that you want to do something with your life? Hope you are soon to meet some people who show you the way to a better life? Do you have fantasies about that fate will send what you want right in your lap? In that case you have to wait long. The truth is that it is up to you how your life will be. It is you...
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Disease, it is good there!

In these times of flu we are showered with tips on how to stay healthy, and be as little ill as possible. There's even a vaccine against influenza. But the disease also causes something good with it. This Christmas has for me been marked by illness. First I had a normal and straightforward colds that have lasted since the end of November,...
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What is a mouse arm?

Mouse arm / elbow / lateral epicondylitis What is a mouse arm ? A mouse arm is simply a tendon inflammation of tendons on the outside of the forearm. The reason for this disorder is called both mouse arm and elbow is because this is typical causes of that suffering develops. We are talking about thousands of small strain on the tendon...
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Supraspinatus tendinosis definition

Supraspinatus tendinosis / Inflammation in the shoulder Do you have pain in the shoulder? If you have pain in the shoulder, this can be due to many reasons. A common cause is an injury or overuse of the tendons that support the shoulder bullet in the shoulder joint. One of the ligaments that often gets damaged is supraspinatus. The extent...
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Lime Chicken - a method description

Lime Chicken - a method description Introduction: Classified tendinosis represents a clinical challenge to both patient and treat. For large Scale formation in the subacromial space so the patient will in many cases end up with a acromionresection to create more space. A method that is constantly evolving but now sailing up as a good...
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What is Knee arthritis / osteoarthritis

What is Knee arthritis? Knee osteoarthritis is a disease that is relatively common. Gradual degradation of the cushioning cartilage in the knee joint allows the bone is exposed and might cause pain upon loading of the joint. Why does it hurt? Pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee can be linked to the cartilage that normally protects...
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Prolapse / Sciatica / slipped disc

Both in the media and among patients and healthcare professionals so often used herniation / sciatica / slipped disc as designations for the same disorder. Basically it is a prolapse completely harmless and a natural part of the body's tissues are broken down and rebuilt. Many of the people you meet every day, and that has not hurt either...
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What is restless legs?

What is restless legs? Restless legs have a lot in common with leg cramps . But you may have restless legs without having leg cramps . Turbulence in the legs feel as like a tingling or that it "creeps inside the bones." Most commonly, complaints come in the evening or night. Common to all this suffering that you have a need to move the...
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Relief back pain treatment

Back pain Acute or chronic pain in the back We often distinguish between acute and sub-acute or chronic pain. In most cases due to aching and stiffness in and around the spine poor posture / attitude and lots of small fraudulent charges or that have had damage such as a fall or a tension that never fully healed. Although this rarely is...
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Information About Runners Knee Treatment

Runners knee What is runners knee ? Runners knee is a tendon disorder that occurs in the tissue that binds the long tendon tension laterally on the thigh with the large and the small leg bone (tibia and fibula). The irritation caused by excessive load, usually linked to a lot of running or similar stressful activities, making it often impossible...
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