What is diarrhea? and Types of diarrhea

What is diarrhea?
The diarrhea consists in the emission of abundant fecal material (amount beyond the 300-400 grams) of very liquid or semi-liquid so frequently during the day (more than three evaquazioni per day).
Through the diarrheal discharges , the body eliminates toxic substances harmful undigested food contaminated with pathogens or bacteria that reside in our intestines.

Diarrhea is not a classical disease like gastritis or gastro esophageal reflux is but a symptom, that is, the event associated with gastrointestinal diseases due to bacteria, viruses, food allergies or cancer . It 'important to keep an' eye diarrhea because it causes the loss of several fluids and minerals and undigested material from the small intestine to lead to dehydration. Diarrhea is often associated with other symptoms: abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and tenesmus (a feeling of having to evacuate without being able to do so).

Types of diarrhea
There are various types of diarrhea that can be grouped in terms of frequency of diarrheal waves:

Acute diarrhea: spessp intestinal infections caused by bacterial or viral infections, toxins or after taking antibiotics which alter the balance of the normal intestinal flora;
Chronic diarrhea: persists over time and is caused by chronic inflammation and food allergies.
Recurrent diarrhea: appears to alternate periods, sometimes in relation to the intake of foods that you are intolerant (eg lactose).

You can further classify the condition according to the various causes unleashed in:

Diarrhea due to impaired absorption: caused by a malfunction of the mechanisms involved in intestinal absorption of nutrients in food: the failure to absorption may be due to alterations of the mucosa ntestinale to inflammation or malignancy, the reduction or disappearance of the intestinal villi (celiac disease), the non-food digestion by enzymes (pancreatic diseases), surgical interventions (eg the intestinal bypass) that reduce the surface of contact and absorption.

Osmotic diarrhea: caused by drugs osmotic laxatives such as magnesium salts that alter the 'attract water and electrolyte balance in the gut.

Secretory diarrhea: that causes a high level intestinal secretion of water and electrolytes, in the case of tumors (colon adenoma), of endocrine diseases, or bacterial infections that produce toxins (cholera) or that damage the 'intestinal epithelium also causing inflammation , ulceration and bleeding, which can be found in the faeces (shigella).

Diarrhea motor: increase the speed of transit of the material and reducing the time available to the 'intestine to absorb nutrients for neurological reasons.

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