Some foods help fill you up more than others, while being low in calories and nutrients (helping to keep the line).
The reason for the accumulation of fat is the daily storage of excess calories as fat in different parts of the body. The term "extra calories" refer to the calories that were obtained from the foods you have eaten, and, which were not used by the body.
Every day, the body expends energy functions for several internal and external activities. It also uses energy to nourish the body's cells. The calories remaining after all expenses are "empty calories," and keeps the body as fat for later use.
Gradually, as your body-fat increases, your body begins to lose their shape because the adipose tissue is not "packed in a compact manner." Fat tissues develop in all directions erratically like a balloon filled with water, unlike the muscle tissue that had a condensed form.
The foods you eat play an important role in determining the conservation of fat in your body, as the volume of physical activity you do. Eating plenty of foods that are fattening while adopting a sedentary lifestyle is the main due to weight gain. When you pay attention to these two factors (diet and exercise), you're on your way to find a body fitter and slimmer.
Some foods give you more calories than others, yet in the same quantities. For example, the macronutrient "lipid" contains twice as many calories as macro nutrients "carbohydrate" or "protein." So a food like butter provided many more calories than a piece of chicken breast (equal quantity), simply because the fat (butter) provides twice as many calories as protein (chicken).
This does not mean you should avoid fats, because of good fats are highly capital to the smooth functioning of the body. What is required is a prudent and moderate consumption of whole foods and healthy, that give you the necessary nutrition without unduly multiplied your caloric intake? If possible, trying to eat foods that are not satiating fat too so as not to increase your calorie intake.

You sustain fruit, and vegetables provides much fewer calories than if you feed hamburgers and milkshakes sold to fast food. Moreover, it is quite hard to overeat fruit or vegetables because your body may determine your calorie needs more easily with natural foods with processed foods / processed (that disorient perceptions inherent in your body heat).
For example, eat grilled chicken or baked fish or smoked nuts and lentils give you essential nutrition without overloading on calories, while eating a great pizza filled with cheese and ham before moving by a large strawberry pie responsible for refined sugar. Of course, whatever healthy foods you eat, it is also important to monitor the quantities consumed. You can get fat from food as healthy, and not necessarily from overloaded fat foods that make you blithely exceed your daily calorie needs.
This is food that you do not accumulate too many calories while getting a good amount of essential nutrition, which is basically the definition of "healthy foods." Here are some food choices that you can try a regular basis:
1) Rolled oats / porridge oats
This is one of the best natural foods available. A great friend of the people who are dieting, it is satisfying, low fat, blend easily with many other foods rich in protein, iron, B vitamins, calcium, other minerals, etc.... Its benefits are endless.
The best way to eat it (your body) is to buy rolled oats (not instant version), subsequently take about 5 minutes to cook them in boiling water. Then put in the slurry obtained a few pieces of sweet fruit (like apples and blueberries) and enjoy. Oats have more protein and fiber than the flash version (and also less fat). Do not add sugar and you will have been even less hungry after completing this nourishing dish.
2) Grilled chicken / smoked / baked.
Not only, the chicken is an excellent source of protein, but it also contains far fewer calories than meats such as lamb, pork or beef. Avoid eating chicken skin. Use paring knives or scissors, to remove all portions of excess fat on the meat pieces.
A serving of chicken breast smoke usually brings only seventy calories, whereas the similar song can reach 160 calories if it is fried with the batter. So how do you cook chicken contributes to the number of calories that you receive. The chicken itself is not caloric, especially when you eat only the lean (no skin or visible fat) . The meat is very satiating not gain weight.
3) Banana
This is a fantastic food, not only because it is so delicious with its creaminess, but also because this result is very satisfying and rich in nutritional value. A medium banana (about 15 cm) contains approximately 70 calories, most of them are carbohydrates. While bananas are a good source of easily digestible carbohydrates, and also provide essential minerals such as potassium and manganese.
You can prepare a breakfast based on a banana and an apple (or other fruit) to kick the metabolism of your body, and also improve its ability to burn fat through the presence of Vitamin C in these fruits. They are as well a delicious source of antioxidants to help your body stay healthy and to be free of inflammation.
4) Dates
You can easily buy a packet of dried dates in any health-food store (if you choose a variety of good qualities) and eat at teatime or snack, to accompany a few walnuts, pecans or almonds. Dates are very nutritious and are packed with minerals that help the basic metabolism of fat in the body. Seven pitted dates bring to eat between 80 and 90 calories as carbohydrates.
5) Lawyer
This is one of the few fruits high in fat. Avocados contain essential fatty acid's omega-3 and various antioxidants that heal inflammation in the body. Use this fruit as a source of good fats, and moderate your intake of butter / cheese.
Mixed in salads or sandwiches or you can eat avocados raw. You can consume half of a lawyer to get 100 calories from good fats. This fruit is very satisfying (even stodgy taste of some people) when you eat a sandwich, but not make you fat (if you do not eat too).
6) sprouts / shoots
It is very healthy to eat alfalfa sprouts, sesame seeds, red beans, mung beans, soybeans and lentils. You can easily prepare the seeds / sprouts at home by soaking the seeds in water and allowing them time to germinate in a damp cloth.
Sprouts / shoots are "live foods" rich in antioxidants, fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, in addition to being a good source of protein. These foods disturb your just counting calories while providing many nutrients beneficial, and being fed (especially when you eat in a salad) without causing weight gain.
7) Smoked fish / broiled / baked
Of fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel contain more calories than chicken (same quantity), but they are extremely healthy for your body because they are excellent sources of protein and essential fatty acids ( such as omega-3), vitamin A and vitamin D.
You can also eat other fish and shellfish such as clams, crab, shrimp, haddock and trout, which are all wonderful sources of nutrients mentioned above. Use healthy cooking methods like making smoking, make a grill, bake lowers calorie intake while satiating. You can easily prepare a meal from a whole fish such as salmon and all they get between 160 and 200 calories, which helps not make you fat.
8) fat-free yogurt
A pot of yoghourt without MG is healthier and less loaded with calories than junk food like ice. Yogurt is a fantastic source of calcium (to help maintain bone health) . It gives your digestive probiotics (good bacteria) that enhance key immune system of your body and maintain good intestinal health. 150 grams of fat-free yogurt providing about 80 calories while providing valuable nutrients and acting as a satiating and the nutritious snacks .
9) Whole egg
You can eat one or two eggs daily for vitamin D, essential fatty acids, protein and a compound called "choline" which strengthens the health of your brain and your nerves. Eggs are also good for healthy eyes and skin. A shell, poached, scrambled or omelette (with a healthy oil like olive oil, for example), egg low in calories (which is good not to grow) while accompanying your meal perfectly. A large whole egg chicken (boiled egg) usually contains about 80 calories.
10) Vegetable Salad
Eating a big plate of salad of raw vegetables to accompany your main course will ensure the achievement of essential minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins, while reducing your portions of main dishes and being fed. carrots, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, Brussels sprouts and radishes can be integrated into your salad with lemon seasonings to form a healthy accompaniment to your main course, which is not fattening as is low in calories.
In conclusion, the more you are aware of the foods you eat, the less likely you get too many calories. It is potential to eat healthy and satiating foods that are not much bigger than processed foods / malbouffes. It is also possible to select nonfat varieties of different foods to reduce your fat intake, and making these healthy choices; you'll be on your way to reduce your total calorie day. If you put in a daily dose of exercise (resistance training, for example, or aerobic) to this mixture, you can begin to move toward this healthy and body in shape, toned you want.
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