Vitamin B2 intensify metabolic processes within the body, participating in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Riboflavin it is necessary to the formation of red blood cells and antibodies for cellular respiration and growth. It facilitates the absorption of oxygen by cells of the skin, hair and nails.
It improves the condition of the organ of vision, taking, along with vitamin A, participate in the process of dark adaptation, reduces eye fatigue and plays a major role in preventing cataracts.
Vitamin B2 has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
Riboflavin it minimizes the negative effects of various toxins in the respiratory tract. Riboflavin is necessary to the metabolism of tryptophan, which is converted in the body in niacin.
One of the most valuable qualities of riboflavin is its ability to accelerate a transformation in the body of pyridoxine - vitamin B6-into its active form.
Symptoms of hypovitaminosis
At low content or absence of riboflavin in food develops giporiboflavinoz and then aribolfavinoz.
If hypovitaminosis B2 notes:
loss of appetite, drop in body weight
headache, burning sensation of skin
pain in the eyes, night blindness
soreness in the corners of the mouth and on the lower lip
With the development of the disease:
crack and peel in the corners of the mouth (angular stomatitis)
inflammation of the mucous mouth and tongue
seborrheic dermatitis, nasal labial folds
skin lesions, dermatitis, hair loss
corneal changes, increased sensitivity to light, conjunctivitis, blepharitis
dizziness, insomnia, slow mental reaction
growth retardation
Deficiency of riboflavin, primarily affects the tissues that are rich in capillaries and small vessels (brain tissue). When deficits are often a manifestation of cerebral insufficiency may be varying degrees of severity, manifesting a sense of general weakness, dizziness, decreased tactile and pain sensitivity, increased tendon reflexes, etc.
Lack of riboflavin may also lead to a breach of iron absorption and weaken the thyroid gland.
Hypo-and ariboflavinoz.
Riboflavin is also indicated for:
conjunctivitis, iritis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, cataract
prolonged non-healing wounds and ulcers
chronic hepatitis
chronic colitis and enterocolitis
disorders of bowel function
common eating disorders
Radiation Sickness
Botkin's disease
circulatory failure
people working with industrial poisons and heavy metal salts.
Vitamin B2 is administered orally (in powders, tablets or pills), as well as eye drops and injections.
Single therapeutic dose when administered to adults is 5-10 mg daily, in severe cases - 10 mg three times a day. Course of treatment - 1-1,5 months. Children appoint 2-5 mg and 10 mg per day depending on age.
Antihypertensive drugs (angiotensin angiotensin-converting enzyme) increase the conversion of riboflavin in the co-enzyme forms.
Neuroleptics (large tranquilizers - chlorpromazine, propazin, tizertsin, teralen, meterazin, norfenazine) inhibit the metabolism of riboflavin, in particular, chlorpromazine blocks the conversion of riboflavin one of the co-enzyme forms.
Peripheral vasodilators block the conversion of riboflavin in the co-enzyme forms.
Drugs that regulate the function of the thyroid gland (tireodin), reinforce the transformation of riboflavin into its co-enzyme forms.
Riboflavin promotes iron absorption, its mobilization and conservation.
Furthermore, Vitamin B2 promotes the assimilation of pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
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