Discover step by step what fascinates in these three months of this magical second trimester of pregnancy.
Nausea, tiredness and mood swings of the first quarter have disappeared, giving way to a period of growth and well-being for pregnant women.
The critical period of the first month is over, the generously rounded belly and the sensation of motherhood is there.
The body of the woman was, in fact, adapted to the presence of the fetus in utero, and all changes related to its growth.
Furthermore, anxiety and insomnia are typical of weeks before childbirth is still far away.
A feeling of general well-being which often gives women entering the second trimester the desire to be active, to engage in the preparations, arrangements, storage, cleaning ...
A round belly
The slight feeling of abdominal swelling the first few months, the belly begins to swell generously, gradually taking the typical form of pregnancy: the woman is well known to everyone as a future mother and a sense of pride and joy invades. The tender gazed into the streets; delicate attentions to the fund supermarkets are there to reassure the mother.
The feeling of motherhood is also expanding with the district forms a maternity becomes very concrete.
The breast of the mother also wants more generous; a boon to whose breast size is not enough for their taste a neckline you to put your new silhouette value.
The first baby's movements
The second quarter was also marked by a moment full of emotion and magic: the expectant mother feels the first movements of her baby in her.
By the sixth week of gestation, the fetus moves in utero but this is generally only from the 16th week that the mother feels the baby move.
Movements that are mild at first, which may even be mistaken for intestinal turmoil, like the flapping wing ... but will gradually worsen and become regular.
Communication is established between the baby and his mom and even dad or brothers and sisters who can put your hand on the belly of the mother felt the baby's movements.
A feeling of comfort and well-being often invades the mother, reassured on the health of the baby moving inside her.
Medical checks
It was around the 20th week of pregnancy has held ultrasound morphology of the fetus that will control the excellent health and good child development.
All organs (heart, brain, stomach, bladder and diaphragm) are indeed sufficiently developed to be examined.
Prospective parents through this ultrasound, are reassured about the health of babies.
An expectant mother calmer and more relaxed.
The mind stilled; expectant mothers can enjoy the second trimester of pregnancy.
She usually sleeps well, and his nights sleep.
The belly of the mother at this stage of pregnancy is still not too bulky and allows him to take care of her house, her children but also to be fulfilled with his companion.
A second quarter while beauty
This is usually during the second trimester of pregnancy than pregnant women feel the most beautiful!
A round belly
The rounded shapes like and are beautiful, pregnant women can put all your asset's femininity.
The skin is brighter; it is elastic and hydrated.
And thanks to estrogen responsible for fetal growth, and new levels of hormones that increase blood circulation, making skin smoother and brighter.
The hair is also more flexible and shiny; the nails are stronger and grow faster.
All the conditions are ripe for the mother enjoys the best of her pregnancy and feels good while awaiting the arrival of baby ..
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