Of teenage women over forty years, what is the ideal age for pregnancy? Is there an ideal age for a child? Let the whole point about the different periods of the life of a woman and the possibility of being a mother.
From a physical point of view, it is undeniable that young age promotes opportunities for a perfect pregnancy.
However, from a psychological standpoint, it cannot be any absolute ideal, each case is unique and individual.
Every woman is old enough to have a child when she feels in her heart the desire and strength to live this experience.
The age at which most women decide to become mothers between 25 and 30.
In recent years, however, there is an upward trend for a first pregnancy in women over 40 years.
Fortunately, pregnancy and childbirth can be calmly discussed today as only 40 to 20 years and thanks to the considerable improvement of medical care.
Ways of apprehending the event, the experience of pregnancy as a physical point of view and psychological, however, vary by age of the mother.
Let's see how.
Less than 20 years
It is true that young women under 20 who choose to responsibly have a child are few.
The more often a child conceived before the age of 20 is not desired, it is the child of a teenage girl who is just entering her womanhood, usually with a target business or training not yet achieved and is most often still financially dependent on his parents.
The desire for children, emotional stability and employment status of the mother are clearly factored that, whatever the woman's age, will affect the pregnancy and how to live this moment in the woman's life ...
Pregnancy before age 20 still has many advantages.
Mom has indeed often less fear and anxiety about her pregnancy, childbirth and face in the education of the child.
The fertility of women of 20 years is very high (considering that unprotected sex during ovulation results in 90% of fertilization).
Because of his young age, a woman's body reacts more easily with stress due to pregnancy. Organs such as heart, liver, but also blood circulation, respiratory system is fully active and more easily respond to the increased liveliness required.
The tissues of the skin are also more resilient and able to respond to the demands of childbirth.
After birth, the woman's body 20 quickly found its condition before pregnancy and will be less marked by the nine-month gestation.
At 30
The mother of 30 years is, in general, a woman who has built a stable life: work, companion (future dad), housing, friends ...This is ideally a woman who wants a child and who knows what she wants. Her pregnancy program gathers's information about reading magazines, consulting sites on the Internet; she decided her confinement, attended lectures often accompanied by the future father, organizes his life and career, provides for the custody of the child...A woman who earlier has some experience of life, which has already friend's moms ... but remains still subject to fears and anxieties well justified. A mother who is also more worried and concerned about the health of her child, because the more aware of possible risks.
From a physical point of view, the situation is more or less identical to that of the wife of 20years. The physical conditions of the 30-year-old woman, her fabrics, her uterus and capacity of its institutions to adapt to pregnancy and child birth do not change much. Medical checks, ultrasounds and regular visits are the same whether any particular problem is detected.
At 40
The woman who previously had no children and makes this decision so that quarantine is not far away or has already expired, is usually a woman who had not found the ideal father or who had managed a professional career too demanding to be able to consider pregnancy and a child.
It can also be a woman who, having fertility problems, had to undergo medical treatment, insemination, fertilization ...
The 40-year-old woman saw her pregnancy as a general gift of life, a challenge as the dreaded biological clock goes on.
The probability for a 40-year-old woman to conceive a child was significantly reduced compared to a woman of 20 years; it goes from 90% to 65% ... with an increased risk of miscarriage during the first quarter.
However, once past the initial doubts, the 40-year-old woman does not mean living in cotton.
His age certainly justified a more rigorous but not excessively. It is true that the current 40-year-old woman has been very little to do with women of similar age from the early last century. Living conditions have improved considerably.
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