Entering the third month of pregnancy is psychologically important for every pregnant woman: a fear of miscarriage decreases, baby seems determined to pursue its development is also the first appointment with baby: ultrasonography.
Major changes will follow ...
As if by magic, any small inconvenience of early pregnancy are disappearing: no more nausea, vomiting and other ailments.
Your body of a pregnant woman is gradually changing: your belly can be even started to swell ... and you've probably taken one or two kilograms (unless they too suffered from nausea which case you probably lost pids ...). If you experience excessive weight loss, consult your doctor.
We'll have to think of the gradual renewal of your wardrobe! Avoid wearing tight pants or skirts in the abdomen, prefer comfortable outfits.
Your breast is gradually preparing for breastfeeding and becomes heavier. Your nipples are larger and more colorful. Choose a bra comfortable and responsive.
It is also possible that you feel little tightness in the lower belly, it's your uterus grows and takes its place. Nothing to be alarmed if these pains are not accompanied by loss of blood. Talk to your doctor, however.
An appointment wonderful awaits you at the beginning of the third month: the first ultrasound binding that allows you to watch your baby as a whole, to see change in you and make sure everything is okay.
An ultrasound will allow you to discover a little being very agitated: almost all its organs are formed and its development continues at great speed V.
Its members are trained and he's hot! His face is well drawn, he opens his mouth and swallows the amniotic fluid. He begins to suck, suck.
At the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, they are already more than 5 cm and weighs 10 g.
At the end of the month, its size will have more than doubled: it will measure 12 cm for more than 30 g!
At the end of the third month of pregnancy, you've reached 14 weeks of gestation. So we have to declare your pregnancy to the health insurance and family benefit fund.
Your gynecologist or midwife will give you the signed declaration form that you must complete and submit to the concerned agencies.
These steps will allow for administrative management of medical care related to pregnancy and childbirth and the payment of allowances you are entitled.
This is probably the most pleasant time begins for you, expectant mother. Early pains of pregnancy are gone, you are less tired and the volume of your stomach bothers you do not.
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