
For a long time, Aikido was shrouded in secrecy and is available only to a narrow circle of initiates. Aikido was born in Japan in the first quarter of the 20 th century, but its origins - in the ancient Japanese martial arts (Bujutsu). Aikido was founded by Master Morihei Ueshiba, who combined the practical techniques of self-defense art of fencing with swords and spears, ju-jitsu, Aiki-Jutsu and other more ancient martial arts into a unique system of physical and spiritual perfection.

From others who were born in Japan and have become internationalized martial arts, aikido differs pronounced defensive in nature, deep philosophy, which is based on the principle of universal harmony through the mastery of energy "Ki," a lack of competition and training system that is acceptable to people of any age, gender and physical capabilities.

From a practical point of view, aikido is a synthesis of many traditional Japanese martial arts and is a complete system of effective self-defense techniques against both unarmed and against armed attackers.

In fact, here lies something much greater. Aikido - The Art of Reconciliation is, a way of strengthening the body and spirit connection into a whole physical energy, a way of gaining harmony.

Hieroglyphic spelling of the word Aikido consists of three characters:
(Ai) - represents love, harmony;
(Ci) - the inner, spiritual energy;
(Before) - way.
The theory of protection
Any protection process occurs in three stages:
evaluation and decision reaction

The effectiveness of protective reaction to a great extent depends on what period of time passes between the knowledge the attack began and the first protective action the strategic goal of Aikido - fitness nearly simultaneous perception, evaluation, decision and reaction.

Perception - at this stage of the obvious signals are: the appearance of a man preparing to attack, the sound of approaching footsteps or sensation of physical contact. At a subconscious level, it can be in that man "something feels" - at first glance; everything is fine, but still something wrong.

Evaluation of the solution - an analysis of the various elements of the attack: strength, dynamic inertia, speed and direction. Depending on the results of the evaluation is decided what kind of technique is most advisable to apply in this case.
Response - the final stage. Solution comes to life through movement, action, consisting in carrying out the specific technical and tactic. Aikido does not have in its arsenal, grabs and throws, as other kinds of wrestling, but cultivating techniques, both proactive and repel attacks by grabbing his hands, which lead to a loss of balance opponent.

The golden rule of aikido - to protect themselves from attacks and did not allow the enemy to inflict them.

Aikido techniques used in practice, when a person is in a dangerous situation created by one or more persons. Every action must be carefully thought out and should possibly lead to a peaceful resolution of conflict. Success in practice can only be achieved on a spiritual basis, through the coordination of mind and body, through a balance of spirit and strength. In the words of the founder, "To practice the art world, you must: Tranquil the spirit and go back to the source. Purify the body and spirit by remove the entire malevolence, selfishness, and passion. Be eternally grateful for the gifts that you received from the universe, from his family, from Mother Nature and the people closest to you. " Aikido master is the one who diligently improves your spirit, mind and body.

During the fight aikido, master must keep their thoughts in a calm, balanced state under the principle of "spirit, such as water, to adequately respond to the enemy's intentions. He has to distribute their attention in the field of enemy action or multiple attackers, predicting the direction of attack of the enemy, and without losing mental equilibrium.
aikido health benefits
The concentration of attention and energy allows the master of Aikido to develop greater force to move quickly in all directions of space combat, dragging the opponent and surprising finding him out of balance.

Outcome's techniques - Neutralization striker arm lock on the hand and its subsequent retention, throws an opponent to the floor.

Higher art of Aikido lies not in law enforcement techniques, and to use the energy of motion forward against him, by "conduct" of its smooth rounded movements without touching the hands of an attacker.

Movement in Aikido

Movements in Aikido are divided into:

1. Movement in the Tachi waza (on top)
2. Movement Suvari waza (down on my knees)

The basic elements of movement in aikido are:
1. Walking distance: The trains Ashi; Ayumi Ashi, ashi Okur
2. Turns: tenkan; tenkan; Irimi tenkan
3. Inputs: Irimi-ho; Kokyu-ho
4. Exercise: Fune Kogi undo (Fune Kogi Tories fune) Hayshin undo

In the performance of all types of movements necessary to monitor the counter, its center, weakness of arms and legs. If we speak generally, it is believed that a person has mobility, he may, at its request, to change its location (physical mobility), or change their beliefs and views (we call it spiritual mobility) under the requirements of reality. Between attackers and defenders there are polarized, the stress field. In the case of attack will and actions of one competitor coming from him and sent against his partner. The attacker can realize their intentions just by using their physical abilities and techniques of aikido, and these factors are related to each other in time, and space are the basis of physical laws that determine the course of the match.

Participant's bout separated by a gap (in both physical and spiritual sense), they are able to change, but, which usually do not allow for a direct attack. Therefore, the attacker (if it's set firmly) must travel through a distance that is suitable for the execution of his intentions. Ha this phase of the match defending usually does not have freedom of choice-making. It can operate on the principal irimi, i.e,. meet the attack resolute actions, either on the principal Tenkan - i.e., try to take a more favorable position and use of evasion and maneuvers, or simply to increase the distance between himself and the opponent. In all these cases, a prerequisite for a successful defensive action is the skillful use of body movement. In aikido, a movement (the dog) means a change in a position of the center of the body relative to the floor in horizontal directions.

The point of intersection with the floor plumb line dropped from the center of gravity, can move both forward and on a curve. Momentum created by the movement of the body of the defender, is transmitted through managed from the center, the attacker and used to disrupt his balance or to change its motion. The defender carries out the optimal use of their capabilities, if the strength and direction of this momentum are reasonable and consistent values and reach a given point of application in good time.

The movements of the party's contest can be judged on his physical, spiritual and mental state. This effect can be indecisive and force the enemy to abandon the attack. Preservation of static and dynamic equilibrium strongly depends on the accuracy of movement. The defender has to be in any phase of the peace or acts to maintain its presence in the true center, and only then in his possession would be all the necessary internal energy, and all external forces with which he can subdue the enemy's will.

Therefore, students should keep firmly in mind the rule, stating: "Aikido - a movement!" When happens watch how two experienced athlete's aikido "are measured by," then it appears that immediately after the first contact between their bodies and there is an invisible connection together they make all their movements. This impression is because the defensive, responding to a strong attacking midfielder, cleverly and harmoniously complements and seems to continue them, and actually manage and eventually eliminate them or even turn them against their very initiator, using his body as an axis placed in the center of the forces, for the appropriate application of energy resulting from movement. In the end, it turns out that the fall of the attacker is as if by itself, and not by external violent forces. Aggression and malice striker turning against him and the defender only helps.

Aikido and health. Useful if aikido training?
It widely regarded as one of the most common misconceptions is the view that any sport, including martial arts, is uniquely beneficial to health. On the one hand, there is multiple evidence that the employment of aikido can get rid of various ailments. Many of those who attend seminars certainly seen this phenomenon: during the workshop, body goes into a qualitatively different mode of operation. Increased need for drinking, there is craving for salty foods, since the body is washed off the salt, several hours after exercise is often a chill, grow cold extremities due to loss of strength. On the other hand, it improves stamina, stretching, breathing normal. After the seminar, there is another trend - if you make a break for a few days after the end of the period of intense stress, it is very sometimes a person gets sick whether it's a cold or the exacerbation of some chronic diseases. The first rule of any lessons: the most valuable in training - this is their regularity and not just for health. The human body can adapt to very heavy loads, if they are carried out systematically. However, states, which often go to regular classes:

1. Vegeto-vascular dystonia
2. Overweight (Aikido has helped many people avoid severe problems with weight, however aikido is not a panacea for obesity, there need comprehensive measures)
3. Various psychosomatic conditions - asthma, eczema (again, much depends on other factors, but improvement occurs in almost all)
4. Sleep Problems (necessary to avoid undue stress and overtraining, which can worsen sleep)

And that's not counting the general improvement of health, stamina, coordination.

Meditation is a very laborious process, and you need to achieve maximum self-discipline to produce positive results. So you have to do the self-study, you will notice that it is easier and more fun to do in the group. When a self-study you will have the desire to gnaw facilitated the exercise and quickly finishes it. In a group, these trends do not appear. Head of lessons can be elected at the general meeting of an open vote. All involved must obey his commands. In his cotton, all begin to exhale, to the following cotton - a breath. Normally, if the pops are 8 or more. As the deal will easily cope with the job, the manager can increase the amount of cotton, thereby increasing the duration of employment.

Meditation plays an important role in the development of your clinical trials. Meditation should be dealt with regularly from a minimum of twenty minutes to one hour each day. Over time, the duration of meditation can be increased even more.

Well, to begin with in order to meditate on the alike day and at the same place. When you begin to understand what is important is the internal state, then any time and any place will be suitable for meditation.

Meditation can be performed in any comfortable sitting position, which is held back as upright as possible. The legs should cross or pull your palms should be put together, and eyes - close. This helps in internal energy due to the elimination of leakage or diversion of energy outward.

Ordinary walks of mind should be terminated immediately, whenever they occur, and attention should always return to the currently selected action, i.e. the conscious monitoring of respiration. In the world, there are different ways of meditation. Every esoteric school uses its own method. For example, in Yoga and Aikido uses deep concentration and controlled breathing, as described above. Although both way's exercises seem similar, but there are differences in the point at which the concentrate. In Aikido - it is always a point below the navel (Seika-no-Itten). In Yoga, depending on the school; this point can vary. In one school, it may be a "third eye" in the other - the identity of a deceased person to contact with this spirit, in the 3rd - on a landscape or a person who is thousands of miles away. In Aikido, when breathing your mind should be concentrated at one point. At the first lessons, your attention will wander through the body. Help yourself - gently press the point at which you want to concentrate. Of course, the easiest way to reach a concentration of sitting in an empty room, but you can do while standing or walking.

Instead of too much thinking about how to start and when to start, just keep track of your breath - and you have already started their journey in meditation!

Meditation leads you k. ..
On the strength of attentional
From stress to grace
From illness to health
From fear to fearlessness
From dullness to sharpness of perception
From rigidity to flexibility
From dissatisfaction to satisfaction
From restlessness to serenity
From complexity to simplicity
From fragmentation to wholeness
From separatism to unity
From Vanity to sanity
From war to love
From ownership to the Guardianship
From loneliness to a sense of unity
From suffering to bliss
From bondage to liberation
From indifference to compassion
From self-conceit to selflessness
From competition to cooperation.

And a few words for ambitious people do not force yourself while breathing. Some over-zealous aikido goes the wrong way. They think that their Ki will grow faster if they breathe in and out with more vigor. Begin the exercise with a slow exhale through the mouth. Keep your back straight. Hold attention on a point below the navel.

When you have exhaled completely, take a break for a few seconds before inhaling.
Breath should be carried out slowly through your nose. Your attention is still focused on a point below the navel. In conclusion, I want to say that the best way to assess your condition may be an instructor with whom you are doing. He can tell what type of loads it is preferable for you and what to avoid.

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