Sometimes we grossissons without even knowing why. Here are some potential causes for weight gain without apparent explanation.
If you started to consume more calories than usual or do (much) less physical activity, do not be surprised if your body weight increases. But what happens if you do everything as usual (when your weight has stabilized), and if you take anyway as some weight? It would then be time to deepen your knowledge of the possible reasons for unexplained weight gain (apparently) . You will see that sometimes the reason may surprise you that so you'll understand why you did not think of it sooner.
List the potential causes of increased body weight inexplicable:
1) Lack of sleep
There are two problems with sleep and weight gain:
The first is intuitive. If you get up at the last minute, you're more likely to snack late at night, which will increase your caloric intake.
The second involves what is going on bio chemically when you lack sleep. Changes in hormone levels intensify hunger and appetite, and can also make you feel inadequate satiety after meals.
2) Stress
When the demands of everyday life become too intense, our bodies come into the survival mode. Cortisol, sometimes called the stress hormone, is then secreted, which causes an increased appetite. And obviously, we could look for foods high in calories comforting in times of stress also. This combination is a breeding ground for unexplained weight gain.
An unfortunate side effect of some antidepressants (like Prozac or Zoloft) is to grow. These drugs may decrease the metabolic rate or cause hormonal changes, causing increased hunger. This may occur in up to 25% of people taking this type of medication over a long period. Talk to your doctor about the possible need to switch to another medication if you think your antidepressant is going to cause weight gain for no other reason.
However, do you realize that some may experience a gain of extra pounds after beginning drug treatment simply because they feel best, which leads to a best appetite. Furthermore, depression itself can cause changes in body weight.
4) Corticosteroids
Drugs anti-inflammatory steroids such as prednisone ( a corticosteroid ) are known to cause unexplained weight gain. Water retention and increased appetite are the main reasons. Though the body weight gain is frequent, the severity of this side effect depends on the strength of the dosage and duration of steroid intake. Some patients may also observe a redistribution of fat during this medication, to places like the face, behind the neck, or abdomen.
5) Drugs that may cause obesity.
Several other drugs sold on prescription were associated with excess weight gain (and that seems inexplicable to some of us). The list includes antipsychotic medications ( used to treat mood disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), as well as medicines to treat migraine, stroke, hypertension and diabetes. You and your doctor should be able to find a medication that treats your symptoms without causing disturbing side effects.
6) contraceptive pills (but not always)
It is believed that some women taking birth control pills such as "combined" could see some weight gain due to water retention, but this is usually of short duration. Contrary to popular belief, there is no scientific evidence that combined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin) cause weight gain sustainable. A Swedish study has even recently been suggesting that the pill would not grow. If you are still concerned about this problem of excess weight, talk to your doctor.
7) Hypothyroidism
If your thyroid (a butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of your neck) does not produce sufficient thyroid hormone, you may get cold, weak, sometimes weight, and you are probably tired.
If the organization does not have enough thyroid hormone, metabolism slows, building weight gain further to be expected. Even a good thyroid function at the minor end of regular values could lead to weight gain. Treating hypothyroidism with medication may lose some weight taken. If you suspect you have this health problem, you should seek medical advice.
8) Menopause
Do not blame always the menopause and estrogen loss for your weight gain occurred in quarantine. They can all occur at the same time, when your 40 or 50 years, but the fluctuating hormone levels are probably not the cause.
Aging slows the metabolism so you burn fewer calories, and all changes in lifestyle often made after the menopause (e.g., exercise less) also played a role. However, where you gain weight could be related to menopause, with a fat that accumulates around your waist, not around your hips and thighs.
9) Cushing's Syndrome
Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a disease in which you are exposed to an excess of the hormone cortisol, which in turn cause's weight gain for no reason and other abnormalities.
Cushing's syndrome can occur if you take a corticosteroid for a disease such as asthma, arthritis or lupus. It can also occur when your adrenal glands produce too many cortisol. Weight gain may be more important for the face, neck, upper back or hips.
10) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
This is a common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age. Most women who suffer from PCOS mature by numerous small cysts on the ovaries. This anarchy causes hormonal imbalances to distress a woman's menstrual cycle, and can lead to excessive growth of body hair and acne. Women with this condition are resistant to insulin, which can cause unexplained weight gain. The pounds taken in this way tend to gravitate around the belly, expectant women with an increased risk of heart disease (heart disease) .
11) Smoking cessation
On average, people who quit smoking take between 2 to 4.5 pounds. Why? First, nicotine reduces your appetite; you can feel more pangs of hunger, which leads to overeat, then once you stop.
Nicotine moreover, high your metabolism. This means that after smoking cessation, the metabolism slows down. However, numerous people do not reduce their caloric intake to balance for this slowdown after quitting.
Finally, nicotine is known to dull the taste buds, so that you can find foods tastier once you have stopped smoking, which can lead to excessive food consumption.
12) Going on vacation
If you've just returned from vacation and notice that you have gained a few pounds, you are not alone. Various studies have shown that people often ignore their eating habits when they are on vacation, so give yourself a few weeks to return to the right path, and you will most likely see the extra pounds to go.
13) Working too
Workaholic can not only stress you out and cause unexpected weight gain, but also make you spend many hours in front a computer screen, not moving enough. This inactivity can cause you to burn fewer calories than habit and take a few pounds over time.
14) Make too much trust in foods' low-fat "
Do not rely blindly on packages that highlight the label "light" or "reduced fat" foods supposed to be good for health. Many of these foods contain as many calories as any versions of "normal," and are not so "healthy" than that.
15) Do not eat enough fiber.
Studies have shown that dietary fiber creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction during the meal that makes you eat less. If you feel you can never satisfy you, try switching to a diet richer in fiber.
16) Having friends who eat excessively.
If you find that when you go out for dinner with friends, they encourage you to eat more than you're used to, then you might have taken an unnecessary weight that you could have avoided under normal circumstances. This does not mean you should avoid eating out with these friends, but you should do things with them that do not involve a meal or when you stand firm when it comes to stopping eating (not to listen to encouragement to eat more).
17) Pay with credit card at the restaurant
Studies by credit-card companies have shown that people tend to order more food when they pay by card when they pay cash. Avoid over consumption by paying so your meals in cash rather than the credit card.
18) Do not eat enough.
Strangely, starve yourself or you can underfeed the opposite effect of what you want, at least initially. When your body is starving, it will slow your metabolism and store as much energy as possible once you start eating normally (what you end up doing because you are forced to eat to survive). This will bring the calories to be maintained useless in your fat stores. So eat healthy and balanced instead of trying to eat too little.
19) Start a love relationship
The old stereotype might be true, being in love can cause you to gain more weight. If you notice that you were a little less aware of what you have eaten recently, try to involve your new partner and make an effort as a duo for a couple to stay fit and desirable.
20) Neglecting the portion size
It's not because you have something on the table before you that you are forced to consume it. You might not you realize that you eat excessively when you serve others repeatedly to eat. So be careful with what you are eating and the amount consumed.
21) Spending too much time at the bar
Beers and cocktails can be a sneaky way to add extra calories to your diet. If you drank more alcohol than usual, they could well be responsible for weight gain surprising.
22) You feel guilty.
Many people blame themselves have grown and become depressed, sometimes abandoning any effort to eat well or eat their emotions to try to cling to something. Do not beat yourself up because of a few extra pounds, try to simply be best in your eating behavior in the future.
23) Skipping meals
No, it does not help to lose weight. Skipping a meal or two can slow your metabolism and cause you to overeat at the next meal. Try to space your meals at regular intervals during the day to eat more often but less (in quantity) to each of these mini-meals.
24) Eating too fast
You might be hungry, and want to swallow your food in a hurry. Alternatively, you try to eat very quickly to return to the office complete a pressing issue before spinning in a meeting. However, know that a meal in a flash is a very bad eating habit. Slow down and take time to enjoy your meal.
Take at least 20 minutes to eat at each meal to give your body a chance to record the feeling of fullness before eating too. Indeed, it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal from your stomach, saying that you have eaten sufficient. If you eat in 10 minutes, your brain will not have enough time to know that you are satisfied, and let you continue to eat at leisure, then you might have already eaten too much (more than enough) .
25) Do not vary your workout or sports do interval training.
You could play sports regularly, but if you always do the equivalent exercise and at the same intensity, your body gets used to this activity. It will then produce the best effort to spend as little calories as possible while doing this sport. So you end up not burn as many calories as before (when you start doing this exercise). If you think, you can eat more because you exercise, and you burn fewer calories doing, then a decision unexplained weight may occur.
To prevent your body can be optimized too, vary your workouts by making cross-training (you do the walking and cycling on Monday, then weight training and tennis on Wednesday, then running and Saturday, the abs, etc....).
Furthermore, try to vary the intensity at which you exercise, what amounts to the interval training. For example, take 4 minutes of cycling at 15 km / hour and 1 minute at 30 kms / h before declining to 10 kms / h for 5 minutes to finish with 5 minutes at 20 kms / h and subsequently 5 minutes to 5 km / h. Then switch to walk, again by varying the speed and slope (if you manage to find a track which has slopes, or if you have a treadmill proposing to adjust the slope).
26) Food Allergies
Some food allergies, in spite of minor, could cause you to take extra pounds. Strange as it may seem, when you eat certain foods, you are allergic; it can cause an addictive effect, giving you even more desire to eat this food in spite of when you are full.
27) Aging
Most people, when they get older, their metabolism started to feel slow. If you feel it is not as easy to lose weight than before, taking into account the fact you've aged, and begin to develop a nutritional program that better reflects your new needs.
28) Depression
While being depressed can cause loss of appetite in some, this may also cause increased appetite in others. Many people eat to fill their sadness invaded. This act of eating their emotions (depression in this case) is detrimental to both their mental and emotional health. If you feel depressed, please seek medical treatment to treat and prevent weight gain unnecessary.
29) Having a cold
New studies suggest that being a cold can make you gain weight. Some viruses appear to increase the number of cells that develop into fat, causing a significant increase in body weight over time.
30) Inflammation
Many lifestyle factors, including stress, smoking and lack of sleep can contribute to inflammation. Certain foods can also produce an inflammatory effect. All this can lead to weight gain were normally you should not have any.
31) Genetics
While we are all responsible for our own choice, at some level, our ability to lose weight and to stabilize it is determined by our genes. Some people will need to work harder to lose weight than others. Others will struggle against their natural tendency to grow (although some studies suggest that a healthy lifestyle can overcome this tendency) .
32) Have Muscle
If you have a lot of sport in general and bodybuilding, in particular (especially if you are a man) and find that you have gained weight, do not panic. This may simply be that you have increased your muscle mass and reduces body fat, while being healthier than before, despite the weight gain.
33) Pregnancy
Although this may seem obvious, if a woman does not yet know she is pregnant, she could be surprised by her weight gain (hitherto unexplained). And unless you are completely certain that pregnancy is not the reason for your extra pounds recently taken, do not exclude this hypothesis: many pregnancies are unexpected surprises.
34) Water retention
Many women are familiar with the bloating that can occur when their menstrual cycles are looming on the horizon. However, it may happen that the weight gain associated with this water retention may be more serious because it is caused by kidney failure or heart failure. It is therefore, important to check with a doctor why you are retaining water inexplicably.
35) deficiency in essential amino acids
The latter, found, for example, in linseed oil, help the body produce hormones and maintain an active metabolism. Deficiencies in essential amino acids can cause cravings for unhealthy foods and metabolic problems, then with time weight gain for no apparent reason.
36) Kidney Diseases
One symptom of kidney disease can be weight gain associated with water retention. If you notice an unusually high amount of bloating for no particular reason, talk to your doctor as soon as possible to verify that you are not suffering from kidney disease.
37) Heart Problem
One of the signs of heart problems may be an unexplained weight gain. It can be caused by the fact that your body retains more fluid than usual. If you push your finger into the skin, and if it leaves a mark rather than back up, then you are retaining water and should consult your doctor.
38) imbalances of blood sugar
Eat simple sugars can cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar (which can be measured independently) , which in turn can cause sweeter cravings as your body struggles to maintain a balance.
39) tumors
In women, a rapid weight gain and unexplained can sometimes be linked to ovarian tumors. Many of these tumors are benign, but if patients do nothing to treat them, they can grow to enormous proportions.
40) liver dysfunction
Problems with the liver can often be linked to weighting gain for no reason. Your body can begin to excessively retain water, and you will notice a contraction around your waist even if you have the little appetite. If you suspect a malfunction of the liver for making you have grown recently, make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.
41) Fibromyalgia
This condition often causes an unexplained weight gain since it causes hormonal imbalances, affecting levels of cortisol, thyroid, serotonin and insulin, and the production of growth hormones. This means that your metabolism can slow down, and you may take more pounds.
42) Treatment of Breast Cancer
Women who undergo chemotherapy treatments to treat their breast cancer can sometimes find that they have taken a few extra pounds. This phenomenon is not yet scientifically explainable, but it should not be a major reason for s' alarmed if the treatment goes well.
43) adrenal dysfunction
Dysfunction in the adrenal glands can lead to imbalances in hormones in your body, your metabolism and upsetting the natural balance. Sometimes this can lead to significant weight gain.
44) Sleep Apnea
It can prevent you from getting a true sleep, and because of this lack of sleep, you may not feel rested, stressed and irritable. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a slowdown of your metabolism and sometimes cravings of eating unsavory.
45) Small changes in lifestyle
Sometimes your life is changed by small changes you cannot even be aware. These changes can be related to your eating habits and fitness. Think about something that could change in your life and that may cause weight gain that you have not noticed immediately.
Do not stop taking a medicine (prescribed) without first consulting your doctor. Recognize the importance of the drug you are taking. It may be essential to your health (and passes over a weight gain).
Do not compare yourself to other people taking the alike medication. Everyone does not experience the alike effects by taking the same medication. Even if a drug was bringing someone else to lose weight, the equivalent could not apply to you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.
Do not panic if the weight gain is explained by a simple water retention, which is not a permanent weight or fat. Once you finish taking the medication, or you have completed the treatment of this disease that causes retention, swelling due to excessive water in your body could withdraw. Eat a lean time between salt.
Ask your doctor if you take other medicines. In most cases, your doctor may prescribe another medication that may not have the same side effects (in terms of body weight).
Determine if the weight gain was due to lower metabolism (due to disease or medication). If this happens, take the time to begin activities to increase metabolism. Move your body.
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