Vitamin B4 (Choline)

Chemical Structure: Choline is a nitrogenous derivative of ethyl alcohol having three methyl groups on the nitrogen atom, which gives substance and vitamin Activity:

Choline (vitamin B4) is a donor of methyl groups used in the synthesis of essential amino acid methionine and is involved in the metabolism of proteins. He is a member of acetylcholine - the chemical neurotransmitter of the nervous system and thus participates in the transmission of nerve impulses. As part of the phospholipids, provides lipotropic function, ie, protects the liver from obesity and contributes to the accumulation of glycogen in it.
vitamin b4 choline chloride

Hypovitaminosis. Choline deficiency may develop when proteins with a shortfall in food and manifest in the form of metabolic disturbances in liver, kidney, heart muscle, which lead to obesity in these tissues and organs.

Choline is readily soluble in water and alcohol. Large doses of it have toxic effects on the human body. The first time, choline was isolated from bile in 1892

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