Third trimester - Eighth month pregnant woman

The time is already in the preparatory.

Before last month, before the expected date of your birth ...

The time is already preparing for the most farsighted: list in hand, you hobble between the spokes' nursery stores needed to buy the baby and for you.

If you work, you will also soon be time to go shopping because your maternity leave will start in eighth month.

As an employee, employee, officer or registered with the ANPE, you get a minimum of 16 weeks of maternity leave as follows: 6 weeks before the expected date of birth and 10 weeks after the birth of baby.

These periods may vary depending on the number of children you already have, if you are expecting twins (or more ...), when health problems (pathological holidays) ...

The eighth month of pregnancy is also marked by an appointment with the anesthesiologist, even if you choose not to receive an epidural. You could indeed change your mind when the time came, and especially a general anesthesia may be necessary if complications for both the baby and you.

The anesthesiologist will ask a thousand questions about your medical history, your possible allergies. It auscultated your back, take your blood pressure ...

The third and final ultrasound is also scheduled for the eighth month. An ultrasound will allow one hand to confirm the position of baby's birth, the position of the placenta, and secondly to assess the weight and size that will make the child.

Her baby is also beginning to prepare for birth.
He took his position that he probably will not leave because of the limited space now. His head begins perhaps even to engage in support of your bladder (hence the frequent need to urinate) and your pool (hence the pain).

Its organs to continue their evolution, his eyes open and the membrane covering them has disappeared.

Her brain continues to develop and all the stimuli it receives to do react.

His skin turns pink due to thickening of the epidermis.

His lungs are normally mature and trained. A baby born after eight months of pregnancy is usually not a problem, it will simply have to stay in an incubator to gain weight ...

At the end of the eighth month, baby measures over 40 cm to over two kgs.

If pain is too intense in the lower abdomen, please consult your gynecologist or midwife who will make a diagnosis and reassure you and help you continue your pregnancy in peace.

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