Psychology of weight loss

You may have tried several 'times to follow a diet with all your pleasant will' and your good intentions, and perhaps you will 'also happened to ask why the diet did not work.

It, the psychological component in weight loss and' look complicated. In fact, only by recognizing that there is this psychological component you can 'succeed in weight loss and may already be half way.

Once an individual recognizes that he engaged in a psychological battle, only then will succeed 'to better fight this battle.

Whatever the causes that may lead to be overweight, which may be different, the problem of overweight and 'without doubt a serious problem because it' can cause various diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Once you realize that being overweight have to do something to bring your weight under control and the company is not 'easy, especially now when you got into the habit of eating in excess.

In practice, you have taught yourself to think like "a fat person." So, to change this trend, you must teach yourself to think like "a thin person."

To begin with, all you have to complete change your ideas about the food and develop new strategies.

Perhaps, until now, you may have seen food as your "friend," a friend to turn to when things do not go as expected, or you may also have eaten in secret 'cause you're ashamed of what you eat.
psychology of maintaining weight loss
Think like a thin person also means controlling portion sizes.
This can 'be difficult, especially when eating away from home.

However, the key to losing weight is that it takes less food and this starts with controlling food portions.

You could try to put your meal on a small plate, so be sure that your portion is not 'too large.

People are slender movement without even realizing it, because activation 'and natural' became a regular part of their day. The same thing would be for you: you have to exercise as much as 'possible, but should not be a burden, but rather' a fun part of your week.

Choose an activity 'that will be congenial physical and then try to practice it diligently, preferably six weeks times. This will increase 'your metabolism and will make' yes 'to burn fatter' fast.

Remember, however, 'that all this cannot' happen at any moment, 'cause unfortunately there is no magic wand. It can take months of hard work to reach your ideal weight the difference between a person and a fat and lean not 'just a matter of body but of mind.

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