Morning gymnastics

Nature has endowed all differently, and women do not always, unfortunately, are satisfied with their appearance and shape. One wants to lose weight, the other - better. Someone very stooping, someone's feet "pumped up." In short, ideally composed of women not so much. And it is a pity that everyone can be slim, elegant, feminine, can fix the gaps and smooth your figure - if not sorry for that time and effort.

Yes, you guessed it: we are back on physical education. Rather, the foundation, the alphabet exercises - daily exercises. It already talked a lot about how much benefit the body brings a ten-minute charge, if you do it day in and day out, year after year, without any discounts for lack of time. Nature has endowed all differently, and women do not always, unfortunately, are satisfied with their appearance and shape. One wants to lose weight, the other - better. Someone very stooping, someone's feet "pumped up." In short, ideally composed of women not so much. And it is a pity that everyone can be slim, elegant, feminine, can fix the gaps and smooth your figure - if not sorry for that time and effort.

Yes, you guessed it: we are back on physical education. Rather, the foundation, the alphabet exercises - daily exercises. It already talked a lot about how much benefit the body brings a ten-minute charge, if you do it day in and day out, year after year, without any discounts for lack of time. Repeatedly, want to repeat that daily exercises, routine sip of courage is needed for each of us. And the more a person works, the more tired, further it needs a friendly and active support. It would seem a trifle - just ten minutes. However, the impact of these minutes is huge. You'll feel fresher (and therefore, better and look younger), and faster to cope with work and household chores.

If you are very busy morning at home, bring the lessons at other times of the day, even at night (not later than two hours before bedtime). This is certainly better than not doing gymnastics at all. However, the morning exercises, morning freshness of the stock is not replaced by anything.
japanese morning gymnastics
What exercises to do? This question is answered individually. It is difficult to recommend an exercise program, equally suitable for all women healthy and young need a gym, not very healthy - other, not so young - the third. And if you still want to exercise in addition to general improvement of something "correct" in your figure - made of, say, slimmer waist or full legs - you'll have to choose them carefully. General, the main complex of gymnastic exercises, you will hear on the radio, found on the pages of these and other books. And here we offer some additional, so-called "cosmetic" exercise, which may include in its regular daily exercises healthy women who wish to correct certain shortcomings of the figure.

Exercise at a rapid pace, first by 3-4 times each, then gradually bring up to 10-12. During the exercises do not hold your breath - breathe freely, to pay more attention to exhale than to inhale. A few weeks later you will surely notice the pleasant changes in their appearance and, of course, the well-being. However, do not forget: these exercises have a narrow, special effect and cannot replace all others (for example, developing the respiratory system, improve posture, strengthen the arms and shoulders).

Exercises for waist and hip

1. Lying on his back, hands behind his head. Dramatically raise the straight legs, bring them closer to the head, then dropping sharply, to lift the torso and bend forward (feet off the floor not to interrupt).

2. Lying on his back, together straight-leg raise and lower them to the left again up and down the right. Make sure that the blade never left the floor.

3. The same. Bend at the knees alternately trying to heel over toe does not touch the floor ("bicycle"). First, pick up slowly, then at a rapid pace.

4. Lying on his stomach. Lifting both arms and legs, take hold of the foot (head up!). Then go in and out when the exercises - inhale when returning to and - exhale.

5. Sitting, focusing his hands from behind. Lift the hips off the floor, Record one leg over the other and touch the floor. Back in and out. The same with the other leg.

6. Lying. Raising his foot, move it through the body and toe sex (as far as possible) however, the other leg.

7. Lying on its side, one arm extended upward, the other - in the palm in front of you at a shoulder level. Lift the legs and hips of 10-20 cm from the floor and slowly lower them. Make sure that the body while it stretched, leg's bent, however, on the other side.

8. Lying on his stomach, with the support with one hand on the floor. Lift the hips and lower however, relying, on the other hand.

Exercises for the chest

1. Lying on your back, arms stretched out with small dumbbells and raised to the chest level. Slowly dissolve your arms and back in and out.

2. The same. Slowly raise your hands behind your head and bring them down.

3.The standing position. Binding his hands and rise above your head as far back, torso backward (head elevated).

4. The same. Raise your arms forward at shoulder level palms inward. Join hands, spreading his fingers. With the power to press your fingertips on each other, to feel the tension of the muscles of the chest. After a few seconds to shake hands and move your fingers.

5. On his knees, drawing his hands on two chairs bending and straightening.

Exercises for the legs

1. Lying on his back. Bent leg below the knee, so that it touches the chest, clasp her hands. In this position, swing a few times, then go back in and out the same with the other leg.

2. Standing feet shoulder-width apart bends over without bending your knees and try to clasp the hand's ankles feet. In this position, made ​​2-3 deep slope forward and back in and out.
3. Sitting. Raising his knee to his chest, take hold of the foot, to straighten the leg, then take her to the side, bend of the knee, however, the other leg.

4. Sitting, leg's bent in the knees and touch his chest. Slowly roll in this position on his back, then go back in and out. n.

5. The standing position. Put one foot on a stool and make a movement as if you climb on him, while the other leg is not completely straightened, next lower the leg to the floor. Repeat until easy fatigue, then change legs.

6. Running on the spot, raising your knees after a short respite to repeat the exercise twice more.

Surprisingly, at first glance, the exercises for the legs are universal. Full legs become slimmer, thin - fattening. With great patience and perseverance can even reduce the curvature of light. Besides gymnastics, very helpful for feet walking, dancing, swimming, cycling in and again want to repeat that regular exercises, daily sip of courage is needed for each of us. And the more a person works, the more tired, the additionally it needs a friendly and active support. It would seem a trifle - just ten minutes. However, the impact of these minutes is huge. You'll feel fresher (and therefore, better and look younger), and faster to cope with work and household chores.

If you are very busy morning at home, bring the lessons at other times of the day, even at night (not later than two hours before bedtime). This is certainly better than not doing gymnastics at all. However, the morning exercises, morning freshness of the stock is not replaced by anything.

What exercises to do? This question is answered individually. It is difficult to recommend an exercise program, equally suitable for all women healthy and young need a gym, not very healthy - other, not so young - the third. And if you still want to exercise in addition to general improvement of something "correct" in your figure - made of, say, slimmer waist or full legs - you'll have to choose them carefully. General, the main complex of gymnastic exercises, you will hear on the radio, found on the pages of this and other book. And here we offer some additional, so-called "cosmetic" exercise, which may include in its regular daily exercises healthy women who wish to correct certain shortcomings of the figure.

Exercise at a rapid pace, first by 3-4 times each, then gradually bring up to 10-12. During the exercises do not hold your breath - breathe freely, to pay more attention to exhale than to inhale. A few weeks later you will surely notice the pleasant changes in their appearance and, of course, the well-being. However, do not forget: these exercises have a narrow, special effect and cannot replace all others (for example, developing the respiratory system, improve posture, strengthen the arms and shoulders).

Exercises for waste and hip

1. Lying on his back, hands behind his head. Dramatically raise the straight legs, bring them closer to the head, then dropping sharply, to lift the torso and bend forward (feet off the floor not to interrupt).

2. Lying on his back, together straight-leg raise and lower them to the left again up and down the right. Make sure that the blade never left the floor.

3. The same. Bend at the knees alternately trying to heel over toe does not touch the floor ("bicycle"). First, pick up slowly, then at a rapid pace.

4. Lying on his stomach. Lifting both arms and legs, take hold of the foot (head up!). Then go in and out when the exercises - inhale when returning to and - exhale.

5. Sitting, focusing his hands from behind. Lift the hips off the floor, Record one leg over the other and touch the floor back in and out the same with the other leg.

6. Lying. Raising his foot, move it through the body and toe sex (as far as possible) however, the other leg.

7.Lying on its side, one arm extended upward, the other - in the palm in front of you at a shoulder level. Lift the legs and hips of 10-20 cm from the floor and slowly lower them. Make sure that the body while it stretched, leg's bent however, on the other side.

8. Lying on his stomach, with the support with one hand on the floor. Lift the hips and lower however, relying, on the other hand.

Exercises for the chest

1. Lying on your back, arms stretched out with small dumbbells and raised at the chest level. Slowly dissolve your arms and back in and out.

2. The same. Slowly raise your hands above your head and bring them down.

3. The standing position. Binding his hands and rise above your head as far back, torso backward (head elevated).

4. The same. Raise your arms forward at shoulder level palms inward. Join hands, spreading his fingers. With the power to press your fingertips on each other, to feel the tension of the muscles of the chest. After a few seconds to shake hands and move your fingers.

5. On his knees, drawing his hands on two chairs bending and straightening.

Exercises for the legs

1. Lying on his back. Bent leg at the knee, so that it touches the chest, clasp her hands. In this position, swing a few times, then go back in and out the same with the other leg.

2. Standing feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over without bending your knees and try to clasp the hand's ankles feet. In this position, made ​​2-3 deep slope forward and back in and out.

3. Sitting. Raising his knee to his chest, take hold of the foot, to straighten the leg, then take her to the side, bend at the knee however, the other leg.

4. Sitting, leg's bent at the knees and touch his chest. Slowly roll in this position on his back, then go back in and out.

5. The standing position. Put one foot on a stool and make a movement as if you climb on him, while the other leg is not completely straightened, then lower the leg to the floor. Repeat until easy fatigue, then change legs.

6. Running on the spot, raising your knees. After a short respite to repeat the exercise twice more.

Surprisingly, at first glance, the exercises for the legs are universal. Full legs become slimmer, thin - fattening. With great patience and perseverance can even reduce the curvature of light. Besides gymnastics, very helpful for feet walking, dancing, swimming, cycling

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