Nutrition in pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy plays in the development of unborn babies an important role and is a guarantee for the well-being of pregnant women.

"Eating for two?

The thesis of "Eating for two" has long been outdated already. The energy requirement for pregnant women to other women is only around 250 - 300 calories more per day and until the second trimester of pregnancy also. This additional energy is the child's growth, the increased metabolic rate and the increased physical burden of the weight gain needed. What rises from the start, however, is the need for nutrients such as protein, B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, folic acid and iodine. One should not twice as much, but prefer to eat twice as balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat milk and milk products.

Increased nutrient requirements

Folic acid is one of the most important vitamins during pregnancy, especially in the first three months. It is the metabolism; blood formation and cell division require. A lack of folic acid can cause damage to the central nervous system of the fetus lead, to open back. Especially whole grains, lettuce, kale, and eggs contain valuable folic acid. However, it is hardly even a healthy diet by 50% higher demand during the pregnancy to cover possible. For this reason, it is recommended that children already in need and, above all during the first third to his house to take folic acid drug addition.

The need for iron increases during pregnancy and that by twice. Good sources of iron are meat, cereals and pulses. More than 2 - 3 times per week should be meat, but not on the menu displayed. What can be eaten daily, however, are fruit, vegetables, whole grains and milk and milk products? The milk feed mother and child with protein, magnesium, zinc, and above all plenty of calcium, this is essential for bone formation.

Better not!

On alcohol should be completely abandoned during pregnancy. He is unborn cause birth defects or mental retardation when the risk for miscarriage, premature or stillbirth's increases in alcohol consumption.
nutrition in pregnancy handout
Raw fish, raw or not fully cooked meat should be avoided because pathogens, such as Toxoplasma gondii or Listeria mentioned. This includes sushi, steak tartare, but also sausages such as salami, smoked ham or sausage. Since the immune system is weakened by pregnant women, they are prone to such germs. Toxoplasmosis is problematic only if one during pregnancy for the initial time become infected because the parasite attacks the placenta to the unborn child and gets over there, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause major damage before.

Eggs should be as fresh as possible and only hard-boiled or well cooked to be eaten because raw eggs can contain salmonella or listeria. Furthermore, in the eggs produced from raw desserts or pastries pathogens are.

Raw milk or raw milk products may also contain numerous pathogens, and diet should be deleted from the pregnancy while pasteurized milk or milk products, however, can be eaten without risk of infection.


A healthy diet includes regular drinks. At least, two liters a day it should be, preferably water, tea and low calorie drinks.

The caffeine consumption, for example, in the form of coffee or black tea, you should limit. He favors high blood pressure and impedes the absorption of iron in the intestine. Two cups a day is OK.

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