Your questions Insulin Pumps

How insulin pumps differ from the injections?
The insulin pens are usually administered by a slow-acting insulin supplemented by another fast-acting for meals. Insulin is generally absorbed slowly at a rate that is often difficult to predict. Insulin pumps use only rapid-acting insulin more predictable than long-acting insulin. In addition, insulin pumps administer insulin in the form of microscopic drops continuously, and we can vary the amount administered during the day to meet the specific needs of the body.

How long does it take to get used to wear an insulin pump?
Everyone is different, and some people can get used to the insulin pump faster than others. In general, adaptation is of the order of days.

Where do I place the catheter?
You can place the catheter on different parts of your body, your stomach, on top of your buttocks, your thighs or your arms. Your healthcare provider will tell you what is the area most appropriate for you.

Do I feel the presence of the pump?
You can feel the presence of the pump the first time you put on. Once you get used (e) to wear your pump, you will forget. Furthermore, note that you can disconnect your pump, in particular, situations (bathing, swimming, sex ...)

Can I take a bath or swim with the insulin pump?
No, the insulin pump is a medical device that is not designed to stay long under water. Furthermore, a practical viewpoint, it is really not ideal to keep it on you when you take a bath or swimming pool. In this case, you can easily disconnect. In the case of certain long-term water sports, you can place your pump in a waterproof accessory.
more questions regarding Insulin Pumps
What happens if the insulin pump breaks?
If you think there's a problem with your pump, you simply contact your service provider has a support service 24h/24h and 7d/7d.

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