Understanding yourself: Homeostasis - Part 2

"A constant internal environment is a precondition for a free and independent life. Statement holds so much. It describes perhaps all men in principle are trying to achieve: a free and independent life. The road to such a life is to maintain balance, the body is programmed to do.

To help start using their body system, and they are all largely controlled by an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus triggers a myriad of hormones, urges and instincts to reach the goal of balance.

A few years ago I read about a woman who was forced to urinate in front of onlookers fellow passengers on a bus tour. The bus driver refused to stop for toilet break, and she had no choice but to sit and pee in a paper cup in the aisle of the bus. Following Reviewed she relationship, and she thought it was a very humiliating affair.

This incident shows, however, that the body's built-in needs to maintain homeostasis, can get all other reasonable and moral inhibitions to depart. The basic needs to take complete control.

Hypothalamus, the boss of all bosses
The homeostatic equilibrium is controlled by a feedback system. In the same way that a thermostat providing feedback to a panel heater control unit for adjusting temperature and our nervous system feedback to the body control unit for adjusting the physiological processes. This center is a small area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus.

Hypothalamus constitute less than 1 percent of brain cells, yet in command of the entire body's basic needs. It is mainly the hypothalamus that determines what the various organ systems should do. Physiological processes such as sleep, hunger, body temperature, blood pressure, and sexual arousal is controlled by the hypothalamus.

In addition to regulating our physiological needs, affects the hypothalamus largely the feelings that arise in us. Aggression, joy, sadness, love and fear are different emotions, and they all play a big role in how the rest of the body has.

In whole hypothalamus controls the body's organ systems in a precise interaction, where feelings and physiological needs of the framework for our behavior. To maintain homeostasis will always be in the bottom when we do something, in order to survive in a natural environment.

Homeostasis = motivation
When the hypothalamus receives signals that the internal environment of the body is about to change, warning lights start flashing. Here something must be done! Hypothalamus tells the rest of the nervous system that measures must be taken. This increases or decreases the amount of neurotransmitters between nerve cells. Meanwhile, the endocrine system order to secrete the necessary hormones into the bloodstream.

The changes in the nervous system and endocrine system resulting in the cells of the rest of the body has a reaction, and equilibrium is restored. We note this by, for example, the heart beats faster because your body needs more oxygen, or a feeling emerging in us. In a very life-threatening situation, the body's production of hormones and brain neurotransmitters reach a peak, and this will override everything else.

Since the body is dependent on maintaining the equilibrium of the cells to live, homeostasis the most basic form of motivation. The interior equilibrium is the same as good health, and good health is often the starting point for development beyond the basics. So everything starts with the satisfaction of physiological needs. To help generate different drives in the body that feels comfortable when they are satisfied. Satisfaction enable the body's reward system which consists of various happiness hormones. Thus we are further motivated to create balance in the body.

Life Energy and operates
All living organisms have self-preservation instincts that will ensure a good and stable internal environment. Self-sustaining operations created by the need to maintain equilibrium. Operation can be understood as an energy, a life force energy that causes cells in the body to work toward a specific goal: survival. If your life energy is low, the ability to survive would be less.

Drifter is something we primarily associate with animals. We say that the animals are controlled by drives, but this also applies to humans in large part, whether we want to or not. The need for equilibrium are present in each organism, and it is the operation which is the fundamental driving force.

When the hypothalamus marks a major change in the internal environment, set it in motion a fierce hormone production and activity of the nervous system. Hypothalamus triggers an inner drive, drives that have the ability to create feelings and behaviors that overwhelm our conscious thoughts and actions. Aggression creates anger and fear, sexual arousal enjoyment and thus a sense of happiness, loss of something vital creates sorrow. Our actions are then.

As we shall see in Part 3 of this article series can also be life energy psychic energy, mental power that is helping to make survival easier. For help using tanks (which basically is a collaboration between billions of brain cells) creativity. Creativity is, in other words, an ability that will help to achieve homeostatic balance.

Instincts and intuition
In close relation to the drives,'s instincts. Instincts is a kind of software that comes installed in the U.S., and that has been programmed by millions of years of natural selection. The instincts are in what is called animal brain, the oldest parts of the brain that we have in common with animals.

Instincts are the body's own innate wisdom which ensures that it has a minimum chance to survive in the environment it's going. This wisdom "knows" how the drives must be satisfied. It is part of the intrinsic power of which latent, and retrieved when it is mostly used for it. When instincts are moving, creating action we have no control over. It's like things floating by itself, and consciousness attaches to the side. They shall come into force without the intervention of conscious thought. The body just "do it."

Instincts are innate reactions, so-called fixed action patterns, which are triggered by stimuli from outside. A newborn child, for example, the ability to react with sucking movements when something gets pushed aside in the areas around the mouth. It does not have to learn it, and is an innate trait that is helpful in terms of food intake.

Fixed action patterns which are hidden in the most primary areas of the brain, but which will continue to affect our behavior even after the brain is fully developed. They are triggered by sensory stimuli, and how we perceive reality, our perception will therefore have an impact on the threshold of fixed action patterns yesterday. One such example is anxious, one which perceives reality as threatening, will constantly walk around and be on guard.

If you're wondering why someone suffers from collecting mania, an explanation would be that their fixed action patterns have been triggered. Experiences in life made ​​that they are afraid of getting too small, so they gather to ensure that they have enough. This is the same as that certain animals collect and store food for bad times. There is a built-action pattern.

Since our drives and instincts guided by the primary areas of the brain, we will experience urges and instincts that unconscious processes. The unconscious has its own extension in mind, and although the primary areas of the brain makes up at least half of the brain's mass, it is estimated that unconscious processes constitute 95 per cent of what goes on in the mind as a whole. This means that what happens in the primary areas of the brain, will have a huge impact on us. As when, for example, the hypothalamus triggers the production of melatonin and we are sleepy, the conscious experience of reality changes that eventually leads to sleep and the dream state.

In parallel with instincts, we have intuition . Intuition is the unconscious instincts, and unconscious mind power that is there to help us survive.

With practice, one can learn the body to act solely by urges, instincts and intuition. One can train themselves to let the inner power to take over their conscious thoughts and actions. When one is in such a mode, an easier experience a state of flow, and as you can read in this article , is floating a sure path to happiness. Are you having the flow of life, you have to train yourself to let the inner power to take over the body and the mind. The difficult thing is to trust your instincts and intuition, but they will never do anything that is detrimental. Therefore, trust your inner power!

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