Five of six patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), taken daily to 2000 IU of vitamin D reached a level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in plasma of 30 ng / ml or more. Study proved no National Institutes of Health.
18 people with the initial average level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 13,3 ng / ml were divided into three equal groups: six patients received 800 IU vitamin D once a day, six - to 2000, IU per day and the rest - to 4000 IU.
After 12 weeks, 67% (four patients) in the first group, 83% (five people) with the second, and 67% (four) with a third group of indicators reached 30 ng / ml and above.
In the third group 33% (two patients), level 26 (OH) D pevysil 40 ng / ml, which was not observed in any of the subjects who received doses lower.

These results are important, said during an interview after the conference, the author of the experiment, Dr. Diane Kamen, a rheumatologist at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, because although there is growing awareness that such high doses of vitamin D needed to restore the levels of 25 (OH) D in patients with autoimmune diseases in rheumatology literature, until now, included recommendations for doses of 600-800 IU / day.
18 patients were selected from the black population that lives on the sea islands of South Carolina and Georgia, Gullah izvestnog the population whose nablyudaetsya greater incidence of lupus.
Previous research among Gullah nation found that 43% of the 187 subjects had a level of 25 (OH) D below 10 ng / ml in some level is not defined at all. Low levels correlated with a high index of SLE activity and the content of antibodies to double-stranded DNA, said Dr. Kamen.
Although 2000 IU per day raised the level of 26 (OH) D in most patients, the rheumatology community, there is a debate about whether there should be greater than the target level of suffering in foreign currency.
"We know that 30 mg / ml is the minimum that considered normal," - she said, noting below this level may begin secondary hyperparathyroidism.
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