Nutrition patterns Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder and brain function. People with autism will have difficulty in controlling the mind, understanding, and communication with others. As someone with special conditions, given food must be by no means perfunctory. Autism nutritional patterns were supposed to be consulted beforehand with the doctor. However, I will try to share a little information.

The pattern of nutrition for autistic people, for example:

1. Carbohydrate

Give people with rice and red rice. Avoid gluten proteins such as wheat, oats, barley, and rye and their processed products. Based on the research of Dr. Karely Hovarth of Maryland School of Medicine, USA showed 55 percent of children with autism who have studied under the normal digestive enzymes. While the gluten-protein polypeptide chains are short-which is difficult to digest so most will only be wasted in the form of feces. In fact, there is the possibility of people with autism have allergies due to leakage and hyper meabilitas intestine.
behavior patterns autism
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2. Protein

Avoid red meat, especially beef, chicken, domestic chicken eggs, and processed products such as ham, sausage, corned beef, meatballs, etc.
It recommended: fish, chicken, tofu, tofu, tempeh, etc.... Avoid the casein protein in cow's milk / animal because of some digestive enzymes that do not work well in children with autism, so that proteins cannot be digested completely, forming peptides that can trigger symptoms of autism. Consumption of cow's milk can also be replaced with soy milk.

3. Fat

Saturated fat is limited, the consumption of essential fatty acids is like omega 3, DHA and EPA.

4. Fruits

Limit the import of fruit such as apples and grapes because of the possibility of a preservative in the form of a layer of wax on the skin that can trigger autism. It is advisable to consume papaya and pineapple.

5. Consumption of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 plays a role in improving brain function and cell damage. More than 100 chemical reactions involving the enzyme requires vitamin B6 in the process. Vitamin B plays a role in the formation of many chemicals compounds conductor messages between nerve cells (neurotransmitters). Some food sources of vitamin B6 is beef liver, lean meat chicken, grilled chicken, white rice, and bananas.

6. Avoid the preservative / sweetener, colorant, flavor of food chemistry, food flavoring.

7. Consuming antioxidants to improve the workings of the brain.

8. Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks (tea / coffee), soft drinks, chocolate, sugar, biscuits, ice cream.

9. Exercise regularly.

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