Keep your body nice and thin healthy fat

Eat fat, lose weight.

The diet throughout the year 1980 and 1990, was a matter of "low fat." Capitalized companies aware of our needs by creating low-fat version of everything forbidden and that met the U.S. fascination with weight loss. Despite our efforts to get rid of fat, which was bigger and fatter with each passing year. It's not the fear, that by the time I was in my early years, the 20, I was at my heaviest. I love fashion fat unrestrained, on my part. I have not specified that while I ate the whole thing was labeled fat free it could well fed. The fact of the matter is that fat does not represent calories. I certainly do not mean sugar free. Many people assume that if you eat fat, they get fat. This is not the case. The diet should contain a healthy balance of nutrients and essential fatty acids (or AGE).

Not all fats are produced equal. There are three categories, which are divided into fat, saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. The saturated fat is not so sure. That raises cholesterol levels and is associated with cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes. The saturated fat is usually (not always) solid at room temperature and is found in animal fat, milk fat, chocolate, butter and most oils. Although some saturated fat in the diet is good in moderation, it must be kept low to achieve the best possible health benefits. Trans fats have gotten a lot of press recently. New York prepared the story in which the Board of Health voted to ban trans fats commonly of all New York restaurants. Trans fats have joined the ranks of cigarettes in terms of public health. While the ban on trans fats in New York is controversial for several reasons, I will not discuss here, which actually should be removed from any healthy diet. We are made by man and fats that are absolutely detrimental to your health. Trans fats raise levels of LDL in the blood, which can lead to a variety of deadly diseases. Most often found in sweets and packaged goods, fast food, because their job is to extend the life and freshness of the food in. You can keep these away from trans fats by reading the ingredients' labels vigilant. All it contains hydrogenated oil, hydrogenated oil or moderate should put upon the shelf! Buyer bewares. These trans fats are hidden in various "diet" foods such as protein bars, ice cream low-fat or fat, bread, cookies, and (sigh) peanut butter commercial. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are good. The vegetable fats tend to be poly or monoun saturated, such as walnuts, almonds, soybean oil, fish, pecans, sunflower oil, safflower oil and flax. The monoun saturated fats consist of avocado, cashews, natural peanut butter, peanuts, olives, olive oil and nuts. These fats include Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega 3, which are as well identified as indispensable fatty acids (EFAs). The reason why the EFA is as basic to good health because your body can only get these fundamental nutrients through food. The body does not produce essential fatty acids on their own.

Consequently, when added to be good to your diet for many reasons! First, essential fatty acids are important in the brain. Our brain is composed of 60% fat. Diets too low in fat can cause health problems and have recently been linked to depression and Alzheimer's disease. In terms of vanity, essential fatty acids to promote good skin and a shiny coat. A sign of EFA deficiency is dry, flaky skin, dandruff and excimer. Essential fatty acids can help skin maintain its elasticity and youthful glow. Higher value, basic fatty acids develop sensitivity to insulin, which helps the most adult diabetes and keeps your blood sugar stable, which is important for weight loss and maintenance. AGE also amplified the ability of their bodies to absorb vitamins, soluble, increase metabolic rate and help burn fat. Sure, you can eat fat to burn fat! However, there is a problem - should eat in moderation as part of a healthy diet. You cannot be a out on ice cream covered with almonds pretentious than his form. In truth, he will do differently, add calories to a meal as bait and make your body store fatter! So my advice to buy food for the heart of your healthy fats.

fat is bad how early does it begin

Adding essential fatty acids to your diet should be done in a reasonable manner, but even they are "healthy fats" that are high in calories. It cannot eat the feeling of these. A little, add a minute amount of their snacks and daily meals (with the goal of 20% of their calories each day come from foods such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, and flax ). Here is a list of my favorite healthy fats and a guide of what constitutes a serving:

= 1 tablespoon olive oil = 120 = 13.5 g fat lime

A class to reap the benefits of olive oil, which should be complementary to the food after the food is cooked. Sprinkle on salads and vegetables. Topping a tomato with a little olive oil improve the body's ability to use lycopene in tomatoes.

= Natural peanut butter 1 tablespoon lime = 100 = 8 g fat

A portion of realistic natural peanut butter is a tablespoon of tea and two tablespoons of food. Please appreciate that you should eat natural peanut butter. Understand the ingredients and if it includes all hydrogenated, put it back on the shelf.

Almonds = 1 oz (22 total) = 170 = 17 g fat lime

Avoid salt, since they are high in sodium. Add a little apple package and has an easy, healthy snack in the afternoon!

= 1 Avocado = 115 average = 15 g fat lime

Avocados are so delicious! Try the salad on top of black bean soup with white sauce of their eggs, or tuna wrap. Add a little creamy, tasty and satiating fat in your food, so to remain in full until your next meal.

Ground flax seeds 1 = TBS = 50 = 4 g fat lime

Can I add a tablespoon to my oatmeal tomorrow? It added a fun new flavor. It is also quite delectable in yogurt or on top of cottage cheese and strawberries.

Flax seed oil one tablespoon = 15 = 115 = g fat lime

Combine balsamic vinegar with a kink in your typical dressing. If you're in this thing a whole new flavor to try to replace it with peanut butter in your protein shakes.

Salmon = 4 oz = 200 CALS = 9.2 g fat

Salmon is rich in protein (19 grams per serving of 4 ounces) and low in carbohydrates (0). It is larger than eat it broiled, baked, boiled or steamed. I love salmon and eat at least twice a week. If you are lucky enough to live on the west coast, chose the wild Atlantic salmon or fresh. I will have the lowest levels of mercury and PCBs. Recent research has assured me that eating even Atlantic salmon twice a week is fine for most adults. However, women who are pregnant or lactating women should consult their physician before taking any decision.

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