The health tips Vitamin D for Menstrual Health

In addition to information that is one of the few nutrients the human body can produce (with modest help from the sun) over 70% of U.S. adults expected to deficiency of vitamin D.

That is bad reporting, because vitamin D is a nutrient important part in over 200 known relationships within the human body.

Vitamin D is known to function as a channel, or relief mechanism for your calcium vitamin D, calcium from the entrails and acquire it to the bloodstream, where they can be filled by your teeth and bones. Therefore, vitamin D is very important to building a strong skeleton strategy to prevent osteoporosis.

In fact, it is so important that vitamin D deficiency in uterus, and during the critical years of adolescence are associated with an increased risk of formulating decades of osteoporosis in the future.

Bone health is not the only function of vitamin D, though. It also provides many benefits for women suffering from menstrual and reproductive problems such as cramps, PMS and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

The relief of menstrual symptoms with vitamin D

Vitamin D Calcium role in bringing to the blood not only strengthens bones, but also allows the calcium to use a different way through your body.

Calcium also plays a role in muscle health, and low or insufficient levels of calcium are linked to a risk of painful menstrual cramps.

Vitamin D also offers other benefits to women's health.

Problems many women's healths are caused by hormonal imbalances, level's normally rich estrogen hormone. Although scientists have not definitively why vitamin D deficiency has been linked in numerous studies to estrogen lush. Estrogen levels overgrown, also known as estrogen dominance, are linked with increased risk of endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, policístico ovary syndrome, breast cancer, menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea), heavy periods (menorrhagia), and many regular PMS symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia and mood swings.

Vitamin D and SOP

Vitamin D is very crucial for women with PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome.

Furthermore, helping to maintain healthy hormone another vitamin D as well plays a crucial role in preventing insulin resistance. The insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes and other health problems if left untreated, is almost universal in women with PCOS. A recent study has shown that adult with adequate amounts of vitamin D is a level 60% higher insulin sensitivity than those who were vitamin D deficiencies.

Compassion also increased insulin helps control weight. More than half of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndromes are overweight or obese, and their higher rates of insulin resistance. Moreover, caught in a vicious circle that makes it harder to lose weight the insulin resistance advantage of weight leading to increased insulin resistance, and takes advantage of weight.

High levels of calcium are also associated with improved weight, and vitamin D can as well help you lose or control weight that way.

The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency

The most proficient way to make sure you get enough vitamin D is to spend time in the sun. Block crystals of sunscreen and UVB rays very important to develop vitamin D and tanning beds are generally not good at roots of vitamin D because they are comprehensively geared to the grape, rather than UVB rays encouraging.

Do not forget the proper precautions when spending time in the sun - the sun is abundant as destructive as the rates of skin cancer very small and is increasing. Coincidentally, that even 15 minutes a day of sun on your face and hands is to obtain sufficient levels of vitamin D to start, if you have fair skin, darker skin women require a longer exposure to the sun (up to 40 minutes compared to several African-Americans) due to their higher levels of vitamin D to slow down melanin production.

If you live in northern latitudes, however, even spending time in the sun does not set you have sufficiently vitamin d. If you live in North America, the UVB rays from the sun, in the literal sense is not strong enough to establish an adequate supply of vitamin D from September to March!

Food sources of vitamin D

In this case, also due to the use of vitamin D. The best sources are:

  • Dairy-fed grass. The milk production by cows fed formulated exclusively grass higher in the vitamin D production in dairy cows raised conventionally. To learn more about the many benefits of grass fed milk productions, and how to find them, visit for grass-fed is best.
  • Grazing eggs. Studies have shown that eggs raised by hens raised on pasture, three to six times higher in vitamin D than eggs from hens raised in battery cages maintained or "free range" in department stores. A source of some egg's outdoors, visit their local market, contact the American Association of Poultry Producers of grazing, or insert your own! Remember, vitamin D is found only in the yolk.
  • Enriched dairy products. Many dairy products in the United States are now ready for vitamin D by law. Orange juice fortified also appears in many areas.
  • Cold-water fish like salmon and cod. Liver oil cod is also an excellent resource, can be defined. (Only very rarely).

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